Author Patrick Jackson

Educational Animations Children's Story Books

This book is a series of short stories of true life situations that I have seen or experienced.

I'm Patrick Jackson

I am a hardworking person that would like to help other people who are less fortunate than me, and give them a chance to prove their life and to do better for themselves.
“Don’t be fooled by pretty words and people who will brainwash you and take your money and could trick you into endangering your life and hurting other people.”

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Educational Books

Educational Animations is a series of books with short stories, that highlight the situations in our community, of poverty, deception, people that would brainwash other people of a weaker mind for money terrorism, and much more.

Educational Animations Children Story Books: Educational Animations Children Story Books Is For Children And Adults To Help With People Lifestyle Managements

Educational animation stories tell true life stories of people in lifestyle situations who have made very bad lifestyle mistakes, this book is a guideline for people in vulnerable situations who could need help and advice in changing their lifestyle in their decision to do wrong things to people. a bit of advice can make the world a safe place for us to live in.

Educational Animations The Scientific Terrorist Drone Fly Part 1,2 & 3 : Educational Animations Is A Series Books Highlighting The Situation Of The Poor And The Psychotic People Trying To Kill Us

Educational Animations is a series of short stories highlighting the situations in our community, poverty, deception, people that would brainwash other people of a weaker mind for money terrorism, and much more.

The Secret Ants Society and the Government Cover-Up: the Film Animation Story: Part 1 and Part 2

The secret ants society and the government cover-up. The film animation story is about life and hardship in the UK and the struggles for people to pay there bills and feed their families, and being out of work claiming money from the state to pay bills and keep a roof over their heads. One man determination to stand up and fight for the good of the British people to write a book to expose the government leaders that is making life hard for the people trying to make a living in the UK, the government industrys are taking away jobs by making this country under productive running the economy into the ground, forcing people into redundancy, and unemployment, miss managing the economy. People in high places, robbing the money from the country, we need to pay and keep this country running, dishonesty and corruption at the top of the infrastructure, people paying themselves high wages without asking us if we can have a say in how they spend our money.

Inspirational Interview

Societal Challenges Explored: 'EDUCATIONAL ANIMATIONS'

The series is not just a narrative but a crucial societal insight, highlighting the need for greater awareness and preventive measures against these challenges. Tune in for an enlightening discussion that explores deep societal dynamics, psychological manipulation, and the impact of these issues on our communities. Don’t miss this engaging and informative session that offers a deeper understanding of the critical challenges facing society today.

Story blog

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